Thursday, July 17, 2008

About Last Night...

Well, after I wrote last, we signed papers (it's officially ours). And we touched up final details (by we, I primarily mean Andy and Denton, although I did give baseboard touch up a shot). Yesterday we officially began the moving process and slept in our new home. We have Dish, so I can unpack to the new season of Project Runway. I realize that I have not included picture the last couple of blogs, but as soon as I find the camera, I'll take some and post them. FYI the shower is great!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lacquering floors

Andy and Denton did a base coat on the floors and one sealer coat (Thurs. and Fri.). That stuff is pretty toxic! The guys were a little loopy even with respirators. Then Andy and I did a second sealer coat on Sat. We went in today and took off the blue tape from the baseboards. Now all that's left is...touching up baseboards, having the inspector come for final, signing of the papers, and MOVING! Hopefully by this time next week, we'll be in and have the rental cleaned up, planned for our camping trip and packing our gear. The floors are SHINY! I'll take pictures tomorrow and post them.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So close we can taste it...

We are literally down to the details. Got the garage door opener and blinds installed today. The water guy comes tomorrow (softener and RO). As I type, it is 10 pm and we are still waiting for the stain to dry on the front door (see picture). I officially have a war wound...I was stepping off the tub after cleaning the window when I came too close to the mop bucket's wheel. Andy says it looks pretty sick. Evidently, the skin under the fleshy part of my little toe is not as attached as it used to be...Andy's a good first responder. Andy prepped the floor under the fridge today, but we will begin the cleaning/sealing/lacquering process. Hope to be finished by Saturday when the Vestermarks come back through. I'd like to be moving in Sunday - Monday - Tuesday...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Of shower doors and power

We have power to the house. Some things aren't working quite right, but we'll get that ironed out. For now, ceiling fans are on and lights in small places are good. Shower doors were installed today. They look good.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

You want custom???

If anyone needs rock work done, please call us about Sam. He's amazing. He did our outside and came back to do our fireplace. He built those mantel shelves out of the same wood as our cabinets and handrail. ( his shelves look better than my rail, I think) Also, our tiling adventures are almost over. We grouted the floor today, Andy tiled the instep and fixed the tub. We will grout the tub tomorrow. AND NEVER DO TILE AGAIN! I've got towel bars and toilet paper holders. Mom, the paint for the outside doors didn't work. I'm going to have to get one that looks close...the paint matching didn't work for the spray paint.