Monday, March 24, 2008

Electrical and plumbing...almost

Tracy came over and swept out the main floor the other day - Thanks, Mama! We have wires traveling places, and the kitchen floor has been marked for cabinets and appliances. The plumber and electrician should be done this week. Then we'll do the acid stain on the floors, seal, and cover for the rest of the workmen. Drywall, tape and texture, and Mom and Dad should be here. Then comes the real fun!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More pictures...

Dad - see the bottom of the porch? And that's the closet upstairs that hides the flu pipe (?). Mom, we added the windows by the front door because it seemed too dark.

Meet the roof...Say hi to the front door!

Lots of pictures...not so many words.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Of shingles, tubs, and columns...

How can you NOT be excited? The views from the porch are amazing! I can't wait to relax in the tub, and I'm dying to see the shingles in place. It's 7:49 pm and with our new daylight savings time, Andy is determined to caulk around the entire house. ( You have to have been in the Flagstaff house to appreciate why that is necessary.) He says I'll get my chance to help caulk (yea!), but he's giving me the night off because I'm on spring break. (Oh yeah, remember to read with a HUGE sense of humor.)

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Here are those pictures with windows, Mom. Also, Dad, here's a picture of one of the 2 air systems. One is positioned over the kitchen, the other over the office/hall on the master side.


Here are some pictures of the house with the back patio and the walls around the stairs up in the bonus room. We have windows in...I'll take those and add them later.